25th Anniversary

Stella, l’amie de Maimie is 25 years old!

It took a movement of sex workers to build Stella and it has taken a movement and many different generations of sex workers to maintain it. Since our birth in 1995, Stella has been a source and symbol of strength, creativity, resilience and community for sex workers in Montreal and those passing through the city.

Despite several attempts of nay-sayers to invisibilize sex work from the city, sex worker rights organizations run by and for sex workers – like Stella – ensure a space and voice for the respect for the rights of people working in the sex industry and those selling and trading sex.

Join us for a year-long series of celebrations, education, and community building as we take our city by storm and remind the world of our rightful place in this city: sex workers are here and we are not going anywhere.

Long live Stella! Happy Birthday!

Live, from Stella’s 25th…

These posts are dedicated to writings about our 25th anniversary activities. Here you will find thoughts, themes, and important messages that each of the events have highlighted. 

Maimie Pinzer’s Story

Maimie Pinzer crowned Montreal’s next Jewish Messiah, 2023. On July 6th, 2023, the Mile End Chavurah and Tamara Kramer organized an event in search of the next “Jewish Messiah”. “If Not Leonard…?” sough to honour jewish Montrealers who contributed to the life and legacy of Montreal. For Jewish heros were honoured, and the room voted […]

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Event Information

Feb 13th Event Info

March 3rd Event Info

March 19th Event Info

April 25th Event Info

Urban Futures Conference Info

Call for submissions | Submit an abstract

Click to register for the conference

Sept 4th & 5th Event Info

Oct 3rd Event Info